Compliance and Development Review Division
The implementation of the development plans has been an issue primarily due to the lack of institutionalized follow-up mechanisms. Compliance and Development Review Division will take the lead role in overseeing the implementation of the approved human settlement plans. There will be a periodic compliance audit and review of developments for plans as deemed necessary and identified by the Department. Based on the findings of the audit and reviews, reports will be published indicating the extent of deviation (if any), the likely impact on the visions, goals and objectives due to non-conformity to the plans and the reasons for the deviations. Development trends will be also studied and findings will be shared with the other divisions for necessary actions. The Division will also review the planning aspects of development applications and provide refresher courses to municipal officials.


i. Carry out compliance audit of development plans
ii. Review development control regulations
iii. Assess development applications and proposals
iv. Compile information on urban and rural development trends and status
v. Provide refresher courses to municipal staff
vi. Create public awareness on development initiative and DCRs

Regional and Rural Planning Division
Rapid developments and unregulated changes are also taking place outside urban centres and in rural areas. Planning interventions are required to facilitate planning and development of settlements that are safe, comfortable and convenient places to live. Therefore, this Division will prepare general guidelines, facilitate and regulate planning and development in these areas and primarily look at the preparation of regional and valley level development plans. The main objective is to ensure a more holistic and coordinated planning approach and to enable sharing the use of infrastructure services, amenities resources between an urban centre and its surrounding regions. The Division will also carry out study of the traditional villages and their settlement patterns and the architecture of Bhutan and consider how these features can be promoted and incorporated into the settlements that are being planned and developed.

i. Carry out research and study of traditional settlement areas
ii. Prepare and review strategic plans, policies and land use plans
iii. Prepare standards and guidelines for rural and regional settlements
iv. Guide developments outside urban areas
v. Identify potential growth areas and provide development guidelines
vi. Prepare development plans for high pressure areas
vii. Provide technical backstopping to the local governments
viii. Carry out public awareness campaigns

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