Geomatics & Logistic Division
Survey and GIS data and analyses are critical elements for development plan preparations. This Division will provide an important support service. Tasks include detailed topographic survey of the planning areas and collection of data relevant to plan preparation and demarcation the approved plans for infrastructure layout, plotting and development. The survey maps are used for GIS analyses and productions of maps, charts and tables, most important of which include slope and aspect analysis and identification of specific interest areas. Further, GIS data services will be improved to make the best use of the available satellite images for planning purposes and to enhance land and property records for better management and efficiency.
i. Maintain land ownership and transaction records
ii. Carry out detailed topographic survey for planning areas
iii. Carry out demarcation in planned areas, including alignment of infrastructure services design
iv. Store and manage GIS data
v. Carry out GIS analysis and generate maps and analysis reports
vi. Maintain online data resources and administer network