Urban Planning and Development Division
Bhutan is rapidly urbanizing and unprecedented changes are taking place in urban areas. More people are moving in to towns and concerted efforts are needed to prepare for the increasing population and to make the best use of the available resources including land. The Urban Planning and Development Division will study the existing scenarios and emerging trends and propose urban development plans and strategies for specific urban centres. The Division will also carry out study to identify potential urban growth centres and recommend appropriate planning interventions. Further, the Division will focus on an integrated planning approach to explore new and innovative planning techniques and mechanisms for a holistic perspective especially in view of the environmental sustainability, disaster risks reduction and climate change adaptations.
i. Carry out research and study of urban development trends and issues
ii. Prepare and review strategic plans, policies and land use plans
iii. Prepare and review structure plans, local area plans and DCRs
iv. Conduct socio-economic studies
v. Prepare and review standards, guidelines and regulations
vi. Research innovative planning methodologies and green technologies
vii. Provide technical backstopping to the local governments