Maintenance Division

The Maintenance Division within the department, headed by a Chief Engineer, is primarily responsible for overseeing routine maintenance, repairs, and improvements of road infrastructure to ensure its safety, functionality, and longevity.

The following are the mandates of the Division:

  1. Review and update the existing road maintenance system
  2. Oversee the financial planning and budgeting related to transport infrastructure maintenance works
  3. Verify compensation issues submitted by ROs and apprise the Ministry to seek approval for the settlement
  4. Review and process write-off sanction of the damaged structures
  5. Ensure strict implementation of the planned activities related to maintenance by the ROs
  6. Evaluate road maintenance works executed by ROs and propose recommendations for improvement
  7. Oversee the monthly Road maintenance works progress (Routine mtc., Monsoon damage restoration) and provide feedback, where necessary.
  8. Monitor and follow up audit observations of the Department and coordinate with the ROs in timely submission of the action taken report to the Royal Audit Authority;
  9. Plan and process budget for road maintenance works;
  10. Update and Operate Road Asset Management System (RAMS) and GIS information database:
  11. Collect road (including alternate modes of surface transport) condition data using ROMDAS
  12. Conduct road condition survey under the jurisdiction of the Department annually
  13. Conduct analysis of the RAMS database to generate maps and prepare periodic maintenance plan every financial year;
  14. Prepare reports from RAMS and present to the Department for endorsement and publication of the reports
  15. Develop the data archiving system within the Department;
  16. Compile the road asset (including alternate modes of surface transport) in collaboration with the ROs.
  17. Compile and disseminate road block information to the general public.
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