The Ministry is organizing the 8th National Engineers, Architects and Planners’ Conference from June 5-7 2017 at the NRDCL Hall, Thimphu with the theme ‘Enhancing sustainability of infrastructure’. It is an important gathering of this fraternity of professionals across the Central Agencies, Dzongkhags and Thromdes, who has been mandated to create good infrastructure, maintenance of society’s built environment and consequently, its economic and social engines.
The objective of this conference amongst others is to achieve the following:
- Shared understanding towards creating sustainable human settlement and infrastructure development;
- Derive implementable recommendations that will serve as input to Policy/Legal discourse and 12FYP, apart from finding short-term solutions; and
- Specific recommendations to professionalize the sector and improve systems
Resolution: 8th Conference Resolution- Final Cabinet 1
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8