The Transport Planning & Development Division headed by a Chief Program Officer, ensures strategic planning, policy development, and infrastructure investment to facilitate efficient and sustainable transportation systems.
The following are the mandates of the Division:
- Prepare Surface Transport Master Plan, Five Year Plan (FYP) and Annual Work Plan for the Department
- Maintain overall data of surface transport infrastructure
- Prepare progress/achievement reports of the department.
- Compile, update and publish the Road Classification and Network Information for the surface transport sector;
- Compile, update and publish Surface Transport Inventory for the surface transport sector.
- Planning and implementing eco-friendly mass transit system.
- Accord sectoral clearance for development of alternate modes of transport such as cable cars, etc.
- Carry out research and develop strategies pertaining to alternate modes of surface transport system and their integrated infrastructure requirements
- Stimulate and manage growth in the surface transport sector within the country
- Transport management and logistics including public, freight and alternate modes of transport (integrated transport hub, bus terminals, roadside amenities, EV facilities, etc)
- Promotion of green, sustainable and low emission technologies in the transport sector, including EV and other emerging technologies
- Explore and introduce smart mobility systems in the growing urban areas.