Transport Planning & Development Division

The Transport Planning & Development Division headed by a Chief Program Officer, ensures strategic planning, policy development, and infrastructure investment to facilitate efficient and sustainable transportation systems.

The following are the mandates of the Division:

  1. Prepare Surface Transport Master Plan, Five Year Plan (FYP) and Annual Work Plan for the Department
  2. Maintain overall data of surface transport infrastructure
  3. Prepare progress/achievement reports of the department.
  4. Compile, update and publish the Road Classification and Network Information for the surface transport sector;
  5. Compile, update and publish Surface Transport Inventory for the surface transport sector.
  6. Planning and implementing eco-friendly mass transit system.
  7. Accord sectoral clearance for development of alternate modes of transport such as cable cars, etc.
  8. Carry out research and develop strategies pertaining to alternate modes of surface transport system and their integrated infrastructure requirements
  9. Stimulate and manage growth in the surface transport sector within the country
  10. Transport management and logistics including public, freight and alternate modes of transport (integrated transport hub, bus terminals, roadside amenities, EV facilities, etc)
  11. Promotion of green, sustainable and low emission technologies in the transport sector, including EV and other emerging technologies
  12. Explore and introduce smart mobility systems in the growing urban areas.
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